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Panel Meters - Counters - Timers - Transmitters, 4-20 mA & Modbus - Ethernet - USB - RS485 - RS232

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Product Selection Guide

 DC Digital Panel Meter

DC Digital Panel Meter

Exceptional accuracy and high read rate with five digital voltmeter ranges from 200.00 mV to ±300.0 V and four digital ammeter ranges from ±2.0000 mA to ±5.000 A, all factory pre-calibrated. Shipped ready to run.

Process & Analog Ratio Meter

User-scalable for display to ±99,999 for process signals requiring zero and span adjustment, such as 0-1 mA, 4-20 mA, or 0-10 V. Ideal for use as a readout for pressure transducers (manometer applications) and flow meters. Includes 5, 10, 24V transducer excitation output (user-selectable).
Instrumenting an AC power line with digital panel meters and counters
 True AC RMS Panel Meter

True AC RMS Panel Meter

Five AC RMS voltmeter ranges to 200.00 mV to 600.0 V and four AC RMS ammeter ranges from 2.0000 mA to 5.000 A, all factory pre-calibrated. 0.1% accuracy. Takes 5-digit readings in one AC line cycle. Shipped ready to run.
Thermocouple Temperature Meter

Thermocouple Temperature Meter

High accuracy in one instrument for seven thermocouple types (J, K, T, E, N, S, R), each in one range. User-selectable thermocouple type, °C or °F, and 1° or 0.1° resolution. Pre-calibrated for all sensor types. Wide range of options for communication and temperature control. Shipped ready to run.
 RTD temperature meter

RTD Temperature Meter

Exceptional accuracy RTD temperature meter for Pt100 100-ohm platinum RTDs (DIN or ANSI alpha), Ni120 nickel and Cu10 copper. User selectable RTD type, unit of measure (°F or °C) resolution (1° , 0.1° or 0.01°), and 2, 3 or 4-wire hookup to eliminate lead resistance effects. Pre-calibrated for all RTD types. Wide range of options for communication and temperature control. Shipped ready to run.
 DC Digital Panel Meter: Voltmeter for DC Voltage, Ammeter for DC Current

Load Cell, Strain Gauge & Microvolt Meter

A high-sensitivity 5-digit meter for use with load cells, strain gauges and microvolt input signals where high accuracy and stability are required. Most sensitive full-scale range of ±20 mV. Load cell operation allows 4- or 6-wire hookup and display in engineering units, such as lbs, kg or psi. Built-in excitation for up to four 350-ohm load cells in parallel.
 Ohmmeter for resistance measurement


Factory calibrated for five jumper selectable resistance ranges from 20Ω to 200 kΩ. Exceptional accuracy of ±0.01% of full scale. In the 20-ohm range, resolution is 1 milliohm, making the meter suitable for contact resistance measurements. Custom curve linearization allows use with transducers whose output is a changine resistance. 3 or 4 wire connection eliminates lead resistance effects.
Weighing scale and scale meter for weighing weight scale readout

Scale / Weight Meter

Equipped with a DC or load cell signal conditioner, this Laureate offers special firmware for scale / weighing applications: two tare functions; count by 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 or 100; auto-zero function; setpoint offset, and dummy right-hand zero for display to 999,990. Built-in excitation for up to four 350-ohm load cells in parallel.
Linearizing Digital Panel Meter and   Electronic Counter / Totalizer

Linearizing Panel Meter

All capabilities of the Laureate process meter, plus custom curve linearization. Setup is easy using an external PC and linearizing software furnished by Laurel. For example, display liquid volume in irregularly shaped tanks, use with non-linear transducers, or extend the working range of nominally linear transducers.
L40 Low-Cost Universal Analog Input Digital Panel Meter

L40 Low-Cost Universal Analog Input Digital Meter

Universal meter for 65 user-selectable analog input signal types and ranges: DC voltage and current, AC RMS voltage and current, process signals (4-20 mA, 0-10V), thermocouple (10 types, °C or °F), RTD (6 types, °C or °F), thermistors (NTC or PTC), resistance (0-10k or 0-100k ohms), and potentiometer inputs. Universal 18-265 Vac/dc power. 1/8 DIN case.
M-35 Microminiature  Digital Process Panel Meter

M-35 Microminiature Digital Process Meter

Fits 22.5 x 45 mm cutout. Accepts 4-20 mA, 0-10 mA, 0-2 V, 1-5 V, or 0-10 V signals. Powered by isolated 10-30 Vdc.
Magna Series Large Digit Digital Panel Meters and Remote Displays

MAGNA Series 2", 4", 6" or 8" Large-Digit Displays

Available with four or six 57 mm (2.2"), 102 mm (4"), 150 mm (6"), or 200 mm (8") high digits for process signal, strain gauge, load cell, temperature, and pulse inputs. Optional dual 5A relays, analog output, and serial output. Choice of display brightness and cases for indoor or outdoor mounting.
Frequency & Rate Meter

Frequency & Rate Meter

Two independent scalable pulse-input channels from 0 Hz to 1 MHz. Channels may be combined arithmetically. One channel can display total while other displays rate. High read rate for control applications. Ideal for use as a tachometer or readout of a turbine flow meter.
Pulse Totalizer Panel Meter

Totalizer (pulse input)

Two independent scalable pulse-input channels. Count up or down to a preset at rates up to 1 MHz. Scaled rate and total from the same electronic counter. Scaling for direct readout in engineering units, such as gallons or cubic feet based on counts from a turbine flow meter. One channel can display total while the other displays rate.
Analog Totalizer Panel Meter

Totalizer (analog input)

Displays and totalizes 0-1 mA, 4-20 mA, or 0-10 V process signals. Square root extraction is standard for flow applications, allowing display of volume from the 4-20 mA signal of a flow transducer with a linear or squared output.
Laurel ratio and draw meter used to display elongation of film between roller

A+B, A-B, AxB, A/B, A/B-1 Draw Meter

Arithmetic functions (+, -, /, x) on dual channels A and B open a world of possibilities. For example, add or subtract rates from two flow meters for combined scaled flow or volume. Display the ratio of flow rates, RPM of rollers, or speed of moving belts. Draw, which is obtained by subtracting 1 from ratio, can be used to indicate elongation or shrinkage of material as it passes between rollers.
 Batch Controller for Repetive Fill Operations

Batch Controller (pulse input)

A low-cost controller for repetitive fill operations. Provides a flow meter input and two built-in relays: a Prewarn relay to slow to down the pump near a preset to avoid overshoot, and a Batch relay to stop the pump at the preset. Fill cycles repeat after a programmed time interval or based on an external input.

Batch Controller (analog input)

Same capabilities as the Laureate pulse-input batch controller, but for 0-1 mA, 4-20 mA, or 0-10 V process signals, as made possible by a voltage-to-frequency (V-to-F) converter. Square root extraction is standard for use with flow meters.
Instrumenting a laser system using digital panel meters and counters
1/8 DIN, panel mounted digital stopwatch

Digital Stopwatch

Times events which produce start and stop pulses. Displays time in HH.MM.SS clock format with 1 sec resolution or in H, M or S format with six-digit resolution. Single-event times may range from 1 µs to 99 hours with a timing resolution to 0.2 µs. Multiple events can also be accumulated to 999,999 hours.

Time Interval Meter

Times periodic events from 1 µs to 199.99 s over a programmed gate time up to 199.99 sec with a timing resolution to 0.2 µs.
phase angle meter

Power Factor & Phase Angle Meter

Exceptionally fast response (20 updates per second) for low frequencies, such as AC line frequency. Phase angle resolution of 1°, 0.1°% or 0.01°% is user-selectable. Phase angle accuracy is 0.01% up to 100 Hz, 0.1% at 1 kHz, and 1% at 10 kHz. Also power factor measurement from 1.000 to 0.000 with sinusoidal signals.

Duty Cycle Meter

Displays ON or OFF period as a percentage of total period over a programmed gate time from 10 ms to 199.99 sec. A resolution of 1%, 0.1% or 0.01% is user-selectable.

Quadrature Position & Rate Meter

Accepts low-level differential or single-ended 5 V logic level quadrature signals from shaft encoders or linear encoders to display scaled position or scaled rate in engineering units from -999,999 to +999,999. Options include an analog output scaled to the display.
Laurel Electronics LT Series Transmitter

Isolated 4-20 mA and RS485 Transmitters

Available for all the same signals types as Laureate digital panel meters, counters and timers. Exceptional accuracy at high update rates. Standard features include an isolated 4-20 mA or 0-10V analog output, and isolated RS232 or RS485 serial output, and two AC/DC solid state relays for alarm or control. Easily set up via a PC using Instrument Setup Software.
Laureate Ethernet Transmitter

Isolated Ethernet & 4-20 mA Transmitters

Available for all the same signals types as Laureate digital panel meters, counters and timers. Exceptional accuracy at high update rates. Standard features includ and isolated 4-20 mA or 0-10V analog output, and isolated RS232 or RS485 serial output, and two AC/DC solit state relays for alarm or control. Serial interface standard. Easily set up via a PC using Instrument Setup Software.
6-Digit Serially Driven Remote Display

6-Digit, 1/8 DIN Serial Input Remote Displays

These accept RS232 or RS485 serial data from computers, programmable controllers, and Laureate meters or counters to provide a visual display from -999,999 to +999,999. They can also be configured to provide alarms and analog outputs based on the serial data. Available with a red or green display
Magna Series Large Digit Digital Panel Meters and Remote Displays

Magna Series 2", 4", 6" or 8" Large-Digit Displays

Available with four or six 57 mm (2.2"), 102 mm (4"), 150 mm (6"), or 200 mm (8") high digits for process signal, strain gauge, load cell, temperature, and pulse inputs. Optional dual 5A relays, analog output, and serial output. Choice of display brightness and cases for indoor or outdoor mounting.
Splash-proof front panel cover for 1/8 DIN digital panel meters and counters

Splash-proof cover, Model IPC

Allows a 1/8 DIN digital panel meter, counter, timer or other 1/8 DIN instrument to meet IP-67 / NEMA-4 from the front when panel mounted.
NEMA-4 sealed enclosure for 1/8 DIN digital panel meters and counters

Sealed wall-mount enclosure, Model BOX1

Sealed on all sides to IP-65 / NEMA-4. Includes 1/8 DIN panel cutout and three wire glands. Available as BOX2 with IPC splash-proof cover.
QLS quad 4-20 mA loop splitter

QLS Quad Output Current Loop Splitter / Retransmitter

Splits one 4-20 mA or 0-10 mA current loop into four independently scalable output current loops, which can each have a different ground.

Data Logging Software

Turns a PC connected to any mix of Laureate digital panel meters, counters, timers and transmitters into a powerful datalogging system. The Laureates can be connected to the PC in addressable multidrop fashion from a single RS485 line using either the Modbus protocol or the simpler Custom ASCII Protocol. The Laureates can also have an Ethernet interface and be connected into the same LAN as the host PC.
Datalogging system with panel meters and transmitters
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