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Batch Controller Digital Panel Meter Frequently Asked Technical Questions
They are the same, but “Batch Control” is a user selectable operating mode of the Extended Laureate counter with the FR dual-channel pulse input signal conditioner board. The higher cost “Extended” versions of the Laureate counter (model numbers beginning with L7 or L8) offer programmable capabilities not offered by the Basic versions (model numbers beginning with L5 or L6). “Batch Control” enables specific features for repetitive fill operations. A relay board with 2 or 4 relays is also required in the counter to turn pumps and valves on or off.
The same signal from a pulse output flow sensor is applied in parallel to Channels A and B. Three values are tracked and can be separately displayed by pressing the RESET key: Item #1, the Batch Total; Item #2, the Grand Total of all batches or Number of Batches (selectable during setup); and Item #3, the Fill Rate. Using the dual relay board, relay #1 is used as the batch relay to control the main fill operation. Relay #2 can be assigned to another limit, such as pre-warn to slow filling near the setpoint, end-of-process, or rate alarm. The next fill operation can be programmed to be start after a specified gate time or upon receipt of an external contact closure input.
The displayed values for total or rate can be scaled to engineering units with a user selectable number of digits after the decimal point, such as 45.97 gallons, 0.267 gallons/min or 8.24 liters/sec. Scaling is normally done from the counter’s front panel but can also be done with Instrument Setup (IS) software if the counter is equipped with a communications board. With batch control, scaling normally converts pulse counts to units of volume, such as gallons, liters or cubic feet. Scaling normally converts input frequency in Hz flow rate in units of volume per second or minute.
When equipped with the FR dual channel pulse input signal conditioner board (P/N LSCDF), the Batch Controller accepts output pulses from a turbine flow meter. These can be voltage pulses from an active sensor or a magnetic pickup. The FR signal conditioner board can also be jumpered for contact closure inputs, signals from proximity switches with a PNP or NPN output, or high-level signals up to 250 Vac. When equipped with the VF voltage-to-frequency signal conditioner board (P/N LSCAF), the Batch Controller accepts 4-20 mA, 0-1 mA or 0-10V analog signals, as selected by jumpers.
The firmware of the Basic counter needs to be converted to an Extended counter. This can only be done at the factory. However, option boards like dual or quad relay boards, can be purchased separately be simply plugged in later. The presence of a new board and the type of board are automatically sensed by the meter’s firmware or by  Instrument Setup (IS) software. If you change boards, also change the model number on the meter label.
The Batch Controller is but one user-programmable function of the Laurel’s Extended counter. Other functions are independent rate or total one channels A and B, rate on A and total on B, arithmetic combinations of channels A and B, stopwatch, averaging timer, phase angle, duty cycle, and more, as described in the Laureate counter user manual at
The only thing which can be calibrated in a Laureate counter is the quartz crystal time base which is used for frequency or rate. Note that calibration is different from scaling. Calibration is used to bring readings in harmony with national standards, like those of the USA’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Factory calibration sets the quartz crystal time base to an accuracy of 2 ppm (parts per million) but will change by a few ppm over time. It may never need to be redone for most industrial applications. Calibration is done at the factory by using a precision 100 kHz quartz crystal calibrator. Calibration can also be done in the field by applying a precision 100 kHz square wave signal from any precision frequency source, as explained in the 1-page “Counter Calibration” section of the user manual at
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