Laurel Electronics
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Panel Meters - Counters - Timers - Transmitters, 4-20 mA & Modbus - Ethernet - USB - RS485 - RS232

Laureate™ Serial Input 6-Digit Panel Meter & Remote Display

With optional analog output & setpoint control output capabilities

remote display


  • Accepts RS232, RS485 or USB streaming data.
  • Able to extract readings embedded in ASCII data strings.
  • Displays 6-digit numeric readings with any decimal point.
  • Optional 2 or 4 relays driven by received data.
  • Optional isolated analog output driven by received data.
  • Universal 85-264 Vac / 90-300 Vdc or 10-48 Vdc / 12-32 Vac power.
  • Same appearance as 1/8 DIN Laureate panel meters and counters.
  • -X extended operating temperature from -40°C to +70°C.


Laureate™ Remote Displays (or Serial Input Meters) are slave displays which accept RS232, RS485 or USB data from computers, programmable controllers, Laureate instruments, or other devices with a streaming serial data output. They can also provide relay closures and an analog output based on the received readings. They blend in with 1/8 DIN Laureate digital panel meters, counters and timers to provide a numeric 6-digt display from -999,999 to +999,999.

Streaming serial data can be generated at rates up to 9600 baud by a weighing scale or other instrument. In particular, it can be generated by a Laureate digital panel meter, counter/timer or transmitter. A Remote Display can duplicate the reading of that instrument, or it can be used to display additional data items which can be transmitted serially, but which cannot be shown simultaneously on a single display. For example, while a Laureate counter can only display one selected parameter at a time (such as rate A), it can transmit multiple parameters (such as rate A, rate B, ratio A/B and peak). The Remote Display can be set up to display any serially transmitted item, and an indicator light shows which item has been chosen for display.

Setup of the Remote Display uses Laurel’s free Instrument Setup (IS) software. Selectable modes allow easy interface to other Laureate instruments and extract 1, 2 or 3 data items. For other instruments, readings can be extracted from streaming ASCII strings that contain multiple data values and non-numeric characters, such as Start and Stop characters. Any number of characters between the Start character and the data can be masked Off. Up to 8 display characters (including sign and decimal point) can be masked On. Any number of characters between the last displayed character and the Stop character can be masked Off.

An optional isolated analog output board allows the Remote Display to serve as a highly accurate 16-bit digital-to-analog converter and transmitter.

An optional relay output board with 2 or 4 relays can add remote alarm or control capability. The relays can be 8A contact relays or opto-isolated 120 mA AC/DC solid state relays. The relays can respond to the transmitted values or to any of 8 serially transmitted control characters. The control characters can be generated by a Laureate meter, counter or timer, thereby assuring that the local and remote alarm points are identical.

Readout 6 LED digits, 7-segment, 14.2 mm (.56"), red or green.
Range -999999 to +999999
Indicators Four LED lamps
Voltage, standard 85-264 Vac or 90-300 Vdc
Voltage, optional 12-32 Vac or 10-48 Vdc
Frequency DC or 47-63 Hz
Power  consumption (typical, base meter) 1.2W @ 120 Vac, 1.5W @ 240 Vac, 1.3W @ 10 Vdc, 1.4W @ 20 Vdc, 1.55W @ 30 Vdc, 1.8W @ 40 Vdc, 2.15W @ 48 Vdc
Power Isolation 250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min test
Serial Interface (one required)
Board selections RS232, USB, RS485 (dual RJ11), RS485 (dual RJ45),
ASCII data rates 300 to 9600 baud
Isolation 250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min test
Analog Output (optional)
Output levels 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10V, -10 to +10V
Current compliance 2 mA at 10V ( > 5 kΩ load)
Voltage compliance 12V at 20 mA (< 600Ω load)
Scaling Zero and full scale adjustable from -99999 to +99999
Resolution 16 bits (0.0015% of full scale)
Isolation 250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min test
Relay Outputs (optional)
Dual magnetic relays 2 Form C, 8A at 250 Vac or 24 Vdc, 0.3A at 250 Vdc, resistive load
Quad magnetic relays 4 Form A (NO), 8A at 250 Vac or 24 Vdc, 0.3A at 250 Vdc, resistive load
Dual solid state relays 2 Form A (NO), 120 mA at 140 Vac or 180 Vdc, resistive load
Quad solid state relays 4 Form A (NO), 120 mA at 140 Vac or 180 Vdc, resistive load
Relay commons Isolated commons for dual relays or each pair of quad relays
Relay isolation 250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 minute test
Relay latching modes Latching or non-latching
Relay active modes Active on or off, active high or low
Hysteresis modes QA passband mode, split hysteresis, span hysteresis
Operating temperature 0°C to 55°C
Storage temperature. -40°C to 85°C
Relative humidity 95% at 40°C, non-condensing
Protection NEMA-4X (IP-65) when panel mounted
Duty Cycle & Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Modes
Remote digital displays addressed on a single RS485 serial data line
Monitoring Laser OperationPM and Speed
digital indicator The display of a Laureate counter can be augmented by up to three slave displays to show up to four parameters simultaneously : Items #1, #2, #3 and peak rate (if rate was one of the selected items). All four parameters can also be displayed at a remote location.
For applications assistance, phone 714-434-6131 ext. 104, or email
Ordering Guide
Laureate™ 6-Digit Remote Displays
Click on the radio buttons to build a model number with pricing as shown below. Prices are in US dollars and do not include shipping or duty charges (export sales). Please see our explanations and limitations applicable to pricing and online orders Prices shown are in US Dollars and are Laurel's manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) in the USA. Orders are processed manually, not directly by our shopping cart system. You don't have to supply credit card information when placing an online order.

North American Orders. Laurel does not sell factory-direct in the USA or Canada. Online sales orders are filled through distribution. During the ordering process, you will have the chance to select an authorized Laurel distributor, or you can ask Laurel to refer you to a distributor. The distributor will then contact you to quote shipping, tax and duty (where applicable), and arrange for payment.

International Orders. If your ship-to address indicates that you are outside of the USA or Canada and Laurel has a distributor in your country, we will forward your order to that distributor for follow-up. If Laurel does not have a distributor in your country, we will email you an order acknowledgment and a pro forma invoice which states the product price, shipping charges, and wire transfer information, which includes a $25 bank wire transfer fee.

Questions about your order? Please email your distributor or
Main Board L   Laureate 6-digit remote display $169
Display Color 5   Remote display with green LEDs $0
6   Remote display with red LEDs $0
Power 0  Isolated 85-264 Vac or 90-300 Vdc $75
1  Isolated 12-32 Vac or 10-48 Vdc $115
0  None $0
1  Two 8A Form C contact relays $101
2  Two 120 mA solid state relays $70
3  Four 8A Form A contact relays $128
4  Four 120 mA solid state relays $96
0  None $0
1  Single Isolated 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10 V, -10 to +10V $115
2  Dual isolated 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10V $172
1  Isolated RS232 $81
2  Isolated RS485 with dual RJ11 connectors $109
4  Isolated RS485 with dual RJ45 connectors, not for new design $135
5  USB $81
CBL01  RJ11-to-DB9 cable $19
CBL01  RJ11-to-DB9 cable $23
CBL02  USB-to-DB9 adapter $47
CBL05  USB Cable, A to B $19
CASE1  Benchtop Laboratory Case for One 1/8 DIN Meter $140
CASE2  Benchtop Laboratory Case for Two 1/8 DIN Meters $140
NL  Meter Lens with Button Pads but no Laurels Logo $5
BL  Meter Lens without Button Pads or Laurels Logo $5
IPC  Clear front panel cover sealed to NEMA 4X / IP65 $48
BOX1  NEMA-4X wall-mount enclosure with 1/8 DIN cutout $169
BOX2  BOX1 plus IPC $218
Configured model number L50001
Configured price per model $325
Quantity 1
Extended price $325
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